(Simple) First Equip Animation
Always play the first equip animation when drawing a weapon while out of combat.
During active combat the animation is skipped and you do the fast draw.
Simple mod, with a single dependency and 0 additional features.
If you draw a weapon, while out of combat, the first equip animation will happen. Every time.
During active combat the animation is skipped and you do the fast draw.
You can always interrupt the animation by tapping the aim button.
I made this as lite and unobtrusive as i possibly could, both code and resource wise.
Only requires redscript.
Copy/extract the contents of the archive into the main “Cyberpunk 2077” folder.
Remove the “Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts\FirstEquipAnimation” folder and all its content.
(Weapons you first equipped with the mod installed will play the animation one last time, after the removal of the mod.)