Simple Realistic for Cyberpunk 2077
A simple Reshade custom shaders pack for Cyberpunk 2077. This shading makes Cyberpunk 2077 become slightly brighter but with better shading, details and lighting effects.
– It’s based on Reshade 4.7.x or newer
How to install:
– Clean-up your previous all Reshade files and configuration (if you already installed it) from Cyberpunk2077 folder before install this mod
– Extract these files into where your game executable (Cyberpunk2077.exe) resides.
– Run the game!
Command Keys:
– INSERT : Toggle Effects ON/OFF (default: ON)
– END : to Show up Reshade UI, so you can adjust Color Saturation, Light Intensity, and Dark Level to fit your monitor/your liking.
CD Projekt RED (for created this great game)
Timothy Lottes (EPIC)
Reshade Team (Crosire, CeeJay, Marty McFly, Thalixte, Ganossa/Hawk, Bacondither, Ioxa, Otis, Jose Negrete, et al. ~ reshade.me )