Skip Act 1 Corpo Male

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Skip Act 1 Corpo Male

Game save in the beginning of Act 2 in V’s apartment. Corpo Male.

The whole Act 1 is just an unskippable interactive movie which lasts several hours. If you want to replay the game it is just a colossal waste of time. Here is a game save for male corpo in the beginning of Act 2 when you wake up after first meeting Johnny. In Act 1 I talked to Meredith and payed with her money killing Maelstrom while saving Brick. I only did the main quest, no side content was touched so you have a complete game to play. I collected Kongou pistol, Satori katana and Yorinobu’s clothes from his apartment so you can dress with sytle. I also have Chaos pistol looted from Royce. I think no valuable loot is missing. I used a mod which gave me double XP so now V is level 14 and you can start building your character right away. Only two perks were spent: better scrapping and increased carry weight. Stats: 6 reflex, 5 tech, the rest all 4. You have well over 10 attributes and perks to spend right away, but if you don’t like the initial setup you can use a mod like Neu-Re-Spec to reset everything. The save is with V standing in front of the mirror so you can proceed with changing the appearance with Appearance Change Unlocker mod.
Have fun!

Author: Mirambel
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Skip Act 1 Corpo Male mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

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