Skylab New York-The Cold Light of Day Reshade v1
Now Available
This Reshade will make your Cyberpunk playthrough feel more cinematic. I’ve customized a new color palette that will give your Cyberpunk world a colder tone. The inspiration for this look came from the films Robocop (1987) and Minority Report. The effect of this Reshade is noticeable in both day and night cycles of the game.
These Reshades affect the following:
Sun/Object Glare
There should be more glare from buildings, and concrete when sunlight hits these objects, and textures. This is now more noticeable. This Reshade will also affect your character’s eyes when walking from a dark/dimly lit area into a brighter one. Sunrise, mid-day, and sunsets are all now more realistic.
Neon Lights
All light sources, especially neon lights have a less vibrant, colder tone bringing out the artificial/synthetic mood of the world.
Color Grading
The game by default has a dark color-tone to it. I added my own color values to bring a colder (Minority Report/Robocop (1987)) aesthetic to the game. Have a look at the “before” and “after” images. Rainy nights in the game will make this effect more pronounced.
Distance Fog/Haze
This gives the city a slight haze from all the light sources in Night City. This effect is noticeable for all objects, and scenes in the distance. Anything within your immediate vicinity is still razor-sharp.
I enabled a light, custom Depth of Field shader to bring more size and depth to the world of Cyberpunk. Rainy nights in the game will make this effect more pronounced. It’s recommended that you turn off “Depth of Field” in the game options as this mod uses it’s own shader to achieve this. If you like, you can also toggle the “Lens Flare” option on/off in your game options.