Smarter Target Analysis

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Smarter Target Analysis

This mod makes the Target Analysis eye mod apply only to Smart weapons instead of to all weapons and quickhacks. I’ve wanted to do this for a while for a few reasons:

I always thought it was weird that Target Analysis applied to other weapons. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. Maybe V is manually targeting based on the data from the eye mod, but it makes a lot more sense with the smart weapons which are targeting limbs while using the eye mod.
For gameplay, I don’t like having to make all my weapons non-lethal at once. I’d rather be able to switch between lethal and non-lethal weapons easily.
I’m working on a future mod which will reward and recognize non-lethal gameplay…

What this mod does
If the player has Target Analysis equipped and makes an attack that has the non-lethal flag, this mod removes that flag unless:

It’s a smart weapon,
The weapon has the PAX mod, or
It’s a normally non-lethal weapon (one-handed clubs, fists, cyber-fists) or quickhack (everything except Synapse Burnout)

Yes, two handed clubs and hammers are NOT non-lethal, even though their descriptions say they are. I made a separate mod to fix that which you can find right here: Non-lethal Blunt Weapons. It’s compatible with this one, meaning that if you are using both mods and have Target Analysis equipped then those blunt weapons will stay non-lethal.
Since Skippy is smart I don’t do a special check for it. Let me know if there’s another special non-lethal weapon I haven’t accounted for.
The no-headshot effect of Target Analysis is actually only applied to smart weapons, I discovered, so no need to change that. Makes you think that maybe CDPR just made a last-minute change to make this apply to all weapons…
You might notice that lethal weapons often render enemies unconscious instead of dead. This happens because, as far as I can tell, all status effects are non-lethal. So if the damage that puts someone over the edge is from a status effect, or from the Short Circuit legendary passive, they won’t be killed.

Author: RMK
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Smarter Target Analysis mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

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