Top Surgery Scars (Scar Replacer)
This mod offers another option for adding top surgery scars to your masc-bodied Vs. Keysuspect’s fantastic Surgery Scars (Skin for V) mod already made it possible to add these scars as a part of V’s skin texture. Now, thanks to keysuspect’s kindness in allowing me to use the textures from that mod, this mod allows you to add top surgery scars in the character creator as a body scar option. These scars replace the default #02 body scar option in the character creator for masc-framed Vs.
basegame_topsurgeryscars_scar02replacer_muted.archive – This replaces the 02 masc-framed V body scars with the muted version of the top surgery scars.
basegame_topsurgeryscars_scar02replacer_standard.archive – This replaces the 02 masc-framed V body scars with the standard version of the top surgery scars.
basegame_topsurgeryscars_scar02replacer_increasedredness.archive – This replaces the 02 masc-framed V body scars with the increased redness version of the top surgery scars.
basegame_topsurgeryscars_scar02replacer_extrasubtle.archive – This replaces the 02 masc-framed V body scars with the extra subtle version of the top surgery scars.
Choose a version of the mod. You can swap the files at any time without issues, but you can only have one file installed at once.
Drop the appropriate .archive file into your mod folder. It should be located at Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod . If you don’t have this folder, you can just go ahead and make one.
Delete the .archive file from your mod folder.