Underwear removal extended – includes FPP and TPP modes – The Cyberpunk 2077 Player nude patch CET edition
Game v1.61 through v2.0+ compatible. Player underwear removal including FPP and TPP modes (look down, vehicles, cutscenes). All in one. The Cyberpunk 2077 Player nude patch.
Game v1.61 through v2.0+ compatible.
this mod can expose nudity which may be not appropriate for some audience, especially minors.
Please do not use it if you find it unacceptable or it’s prohibited in your territory or society.
This is a Player (V) underwear management mod covering all the key modes:
– Character creation/customization, Inventory, Garment, Statistics previews
– FPP (e.g. when you look down at yourself)
– Photomode (in the Photo mode view)
– TPP (e.g. when on a bike or in a cutscene showing the Player from the third person view)
Both genders covered.
All in one – a Player body nude patch in effect.
How is it different to other mods of this type?
This mod makes the naked player body look really nude as seen in the Inventory, Wardrobe, Character Creation and Customization menu previews.
It makes the player body look nude in the game v1.6+ as opposed to just removing the underwear.
It fully covers the FPP and the TPP mode without altering the game design.
This is a standalone mod providing all the functionality.
How to use it:
Just install it and start your game.
No configuration is needed.
The mod CET window settings allow you to switch the mod on/off if needed (the default settings is ON).
Switching the mod on/off may require a game reload to fully apply the changes.
Please note that if you undress the player character in the game, save the game, disable the mod in the settings or uninstall the mod, and then load the saved game, the player character may appear seemingly nude (without underwear).
This is normal behavior, and the game will toggle the default underwear on the next legs-covering garment change.
Please note that this mod respects the nudity censorship user settings.
If you have it enabled in the game’s settings, this mod will stay on the sidelines.
Compatibility info:
The mod supports the game v1.61 through 2.0+ only.
The game 1.6 and the CET v1.19.x not supported.
Game v1.5+ is no longer supported.
Not tested on earlier versions.
This CET edition is compatible with the redscrip edition – if you install both, the CET edition will detect it and deactivate itself.
This mod does not replace or overwrite any game files and is switchable at runtime. It works on a general appearance parameters level and does not require adjustments to support any special modes.
Specifically it’s not gender dependent as it makes the game really switch body/garment parts instead of using workarounds to mimic expected effects.
The mod follows the game design and does not change anything in the design; it simply makes the game flip some hidden switches.
It should work fine with other mods as long as they follow the game design compatibility rules and do not reverse the mod changes.
If you encounter any oddities while using it with other mods on a supported game version, please contact the author of the other mod to fix it.
Combining this mod with permanent underwear replacer/removal mods (archive type files) may affect its functionality, as this approach is no longer compatible with the game v1.6+ available as of writing (actually it never was – it was just a partial workaround).
Other garment archive type mods may also affect it if they use outdated methods, as the game version 1.6 changed the behavior of the whole player garment system.
If you combine it with other CET or redscript mods that change the player appearance, it will most likely work fine unless the other mods modify game properties that affect this mod’s outcome, especially if they work against the game design (e.g. trick the game about the Legs garment state).
This is especially true for some so-called “gear hide” mods that are not properly updated to the new game v1.6 behavior.
If you combine it with redscript mods that redesign the game framework methods my mod uses, it may be affected by the changes, and there is nothing I can do about it as CET works as a client on top of the game redscript framework.
– Some cutscenes can still override the mod changes forcing their own rules during the scene.
– In the game v2.0+, Panam in Panzer romance scene support is currently disabled due to changes in the game. This requires new research on the scene sequence to find new way of handling it.
Issue reporting:
If you experience unexpected functionality while using this mod on the supported game and CET versions, please verify it without any other mod before reporting.
Typically, the following types of mods may affect the functionality of this mod (though not limited to this list):
– CET scripting platform disabled due to versions mismatch or misconfiguration,
– the archive mod files in the \Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod folder
– the redscript mod files in the \Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts folder
– the CET mod files in the \Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods folder
– the REDmod mods in \Cyberpunk 2077\mods folder
Please note that 99% of the issues encountered may be caused by incompatible mods, corrupted data in game saves, an unhealthy game or mod requirements install base, or corrupted mod installations.
I reserve the remaining 1% to unknown yet-to-be-discovered mod bugs.
Install or update:
– download the zip file and extract
– drop the extracted “bin” folder into “[your game provider install folder]\Cyberpunk 2077” folder. Allow to overwrite files if asked.
– remove the folders if existing:
“[your game provider install folder]\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\CET_player_underwear_removal_extended”
“[your game provider install folder]\Cyberpunk 2077\\r6\scripts\player_underwear_removal_extended”