Vik’s Tattoo for V
This mod adds Vik’s tattoo sleeve to both of V’s arms. I can’t make it only on one arm because of the way V’s skin arm texture is made in the game, there is only one arm and it mirrors everything onto the other. I get it, game devs probably did that to save time, but it means that you can’t have it on only one arm 🙁
I tried to make it as a shoulder piece to replace vanilla tattoo options but since this tattoo is made to wrap around an arm it doesn’t work very well.
Extract the .archive file (male or female, but you can have both installed at the same time), into your mod folder. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod (if you don’t have one, create one)
When you create a new character, choose body tattoo option 01 on the character creation slider
Or, use CyberCAT to edit your V’s appearance wherever you are in the game.
Conflicts: If you have any skin retextures for V, a complexion mod, 4k retexture of V’s skin, this tattoo will not show.