Wraiths Hood With Hair
This mod replaces the headband for female V with the Wraiths hood and 1 of 4 different hairstyles. Optionally you can add a bandana and/or neck goggles.
The hood has 9 different color options, the bandana has 21, and the neck goggles have 14.
The hair color will change according to your V’s hair color, custom hair color mods included.
A hood archive is required for the mod to work. Install only 1 at a time (regular or trim variant).
The base hairstyle included with the hood archive is Judy’s hair. If you want another hairstyle install a hair archive in addition to the hood archive.
The bandana and goggles archives are completely optional. If you want to add a bandana install a single bandana archive in addition to the hood archive. If you want to add neck goggles install a single goggles archive in addition to the hood archive. If using the trim variant of the hood install a trim variant of the bandana.
Extract the .7z and place the archive(s) you want to use in the mod folder.
Default mod folder location:
Steam: C:\program files (86x)\steam\steamapps\common\cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
GOG: C:\program files (86x)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
If the mod folder does not exist you can simply create it.
To uninstall remove the archive(s) from the mod folder.