Wretched World FM

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Wretched World FM

Replaces MorroRock Radio station with music, with permission, from the bands Amebix, Tau Cross, Filth and more. for fans of heavy metal and heavy rock/punk bands.

Since this was one of the top 3 major stations i wanted to make sure I chose the right songs for the station, songs used with permission. Samurai was the major influence here and I wanted a good selection of major bands within the punk and metal scene represented for this one. Bands consist entirely of Punk and Metal bands that are unique in sound or made it to the legendary level of punk bands the way that samurai has become legendary in Night City.

This will replace the 4 samurai songs with songs from Tau Cross, a super group formed from members of other major legendary bands from the punk/metal scenes, like samurai/refused they sing about the same sorta topics but Tau Cross is much heavier and metallic punk/crust sounding than regular old punk, and i did my best to match up the style to each song as this was the major band of the game, so the slower songs are matched with slower songs, and the style and sound is at least similar to the original more than any other bands ive chosen.

Amebix, the fathers of Crust punk, from the UK they formed in the late 70s under another name but eventually found their own sound and created the genre that became known as crust punk. they sang songs with dark themes like metal but also social and political like punk, they recorded a few albums before going their separate ways into new bands. they are featured here with songs from their latest album Sonic Mass, a masterpiece of metal/crust/punk released in 2011 after a 20+ year hiatus. The singer/bassist for Amebix went on to found other bands but is currently the singer/bassist/founder of Tao Cross as well.

Filth is an old hard/crust-core punk band from East Bay, CA, so within a days drive of where Night City is I think, and were active from 1989 to sometime in the mid 90s they put out a few 7″s and splits with an eventual discography album, they play an angry, heavy sort of punk, the kind of band that Samurai would have most likely toured with back before they got big. I have no idea where to find actual recordings of their music to purchase but many people have uploaded their songs online for free.

Acid Bath is a Sludgy Metal Punk band from Louisiana founded in the 90s, and active up until sometime around 2013, the singer started an acoustic solo act that is mostly Southern Blues based.

Eyehategod is another Sludgy Punk Metal band from Louisiana formed in the late 80s and still going strong, they play downtuned heavy punk with lots of southern metal influence, song themes vary dramatically over the years but the overall sound has stayed somewhat similar and they remain legends in the metal and punk scenes.

The Misfits are the long, long running fathers of Horror Punk from New Jersey, US named after a classic Marylin Monroe movie called “The Misfits”. They play Punk music with classic horror movie themes from popular horror to b-movie horror and even lower grade horror, They have had many different members over the years and the founding singer Glen Danzig went on to create his own band simply called Danzig. He was replaced by Michale Graves, who eventually left after two albums and founding member and bassist Jerry Only took over as vocalist in addition to bassist. They have had a major cult following since they started and their Fiend Skull symbol has become a known image around the world even amongst those who have no clue who the band is.

Leftover Crack is a squater punk band formed of various members of various bands that all were from around the New York City area and play a range of punk rock genres from ska to metallic crust to rooftop folk punk

Kvelertak are a blackened punk/rock band from norway that play fast and loud music about anything from beer to skatin with satan.

Track list
(original song – length – track ID – New song)
The Ballad of Buck Ravers (SAMURAI) – 4:27 – 336551383 – Three Tides (or The Triale of Pyrat John Bellamie and Seawytch Annabel Green) by Tau Cross
Black Dog (SAMURAI) – 4:23 – 847868585 – Babylonian Death Cult by Tau Cross
Chippin’ in (SAMURAI) – 3:35 – 67866068 – Burn With Me by Tau Cross
Never Fade Away (SAMURAI) – 3:09 – 230331069 – Drowning The God by Tau Cross
FRIDAY NIGHT FIRE FIGHT 3:34 – 534318699 – The Morticians Flame by Acid Bath
Heave Ho – 3:04 – 239971311 – Helena by The Misfits
I Will Follow – 2:38 – 216269337 – Shining by The Misfits
LikeWise 2:03 92260188 – Todays Lesson by Filth
So It Goes – 4:12 – 533813975 – God of the Grain by Amebix
Suffer Me – 2:44 – 360407664 – RFID by Tau Cross
Summer of 2069 – 3:05 – 395305747 – Athiest Anthem by Leftover Crack
Sustain_Decay – 3:11 – 82962273 – Days by Amebix
Testmaster – 3:14 – 826126133 – Fossegrim by Kvelertak
To The Fullest – 1:34 – 521529624 – Sister F*cker Pt. 1 by Eyehategod
Trauma – 3:08 – 146627573 – Here Come the Wolf by Amebix

Author: Christopherrobin86
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